Blessings, challenges, Change, Healing, Inner Voice, Inspiration, Lessons

I Forgot Who I Am

I have had some physical symptoms going on for about a year now that I have not been dealing with. Well, not dealing with correctly, like going to the doctor. There has been much heart racing, anxiety, some rashes,  extreme fatigue, loss of hair, etc and I put it all to stress, aging or emotional issues.  And I tried to fix it that way. I prayed, I meditated, I exercised, I spent time with friends, anything that felt joyful or stress relieving I brought it in. I tried hard to not feed the stress and negativity that we all encounter in our daily lives. By doing all of that I am sure I mitigated the problem, but it did not fix it.  At some point (couple weeks ago) I got it, this is not working, and I went to the doctor and have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.  It explains pretty much all of these symptoms which can treated medically and I should be fine eventually.

One by one I accepted these things (symptoms) into my life and they became part of who I am.  I allowed myself to be okay with being too tired.  I blamed it on aging or getting up early every day. I put up with a racing heart thinking I could not handle the stresses in my life. My thinning hair  and dry skin, again I must be getting old. My anxiety and general impatience, well I am overwhelmed and cannot handle anything beyond the moment.  Everything I was feeling I judged myself for and came up short. I forgot who I truly am.

So there are some reasons I would go to stress and feeling overwhelmed as my default.  I have been through some challenges these past few years.  And the hits kept coming. So it felt natural to say I am finally at my breaking point and body reflects that.  But it wasn’t true.  I made  up that story.  I forgot who I was.

I forgot I am strong, I forgot I am capable, I forgot that I handle life like a boss. I forgot I have an amazing belief that my life is good.  I forgot I am juicy.  I forgot my mind can see the truth.  I forgot my ability to see past the surface. I forgot to believe in myself. i forgot that I am amazing and destined to live in a way that celebrates life.

I started living by default.  I started letting my beliefs around what was happening to my body determine my quality of life. How often do we do that? My wake call (this time) was physical, but it can manifest in a zillion ways. When I accept a relationship in my life that is stealing my joy.  When I make excuses for it and blame myself. When I stay at a job that is killing me but am afraid to let go of the security. When I believe that is all I can have. When I look at my finances and think of them as meager instead of seeing the abundance around me. Then I am living in fear of lack. So one by one I ignore the little hints in the situations and end up facing a thyroid storm, or whatever manifests from blaming myself and not seeing the truth.

So my job now is to remember who I am.  And to trust myself. And to trust the God within me. To remember I am strong and wise.  To turn off that auto pilot of self blame and open my eyes to a different truth. This lesson could have been much harsher. I ignored something medical and it could have been way more serious.  I was too busy blaming myself for not being enough.  I am grateful for the blessing of this lesson. And I am done forgetting who I am.


check out my Facebook page EdgeofAnAngel


5 thoughts on “I Forgot Who I Am

  1. WHOAH. That’s all I’ve got. I want to send this to my best friend because I could have written this myself, down to everything except your actual diagnosis. Mine was narcolepsy. MIND BLOWN. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. I’ll be checking out your Facebook page too. SO much love and light… keep on with your amazing self.

  2. Pingback: Ok, holy crap for real.  I just was eating my extremely healthy Maruchan Instant Lunch- Roast Chicken flavor (bahahaha) and checking out a few blogs and I found this one.  I SERIOUSLY, seriously could have written this.  I feel every moment of this pie

  3. Pingback: Don’t forget you are a UNICORN, lovie. | sleeplydreaming

  4. Wow! I had a very similar lesson. It took a medical issue that could have sent me to my grave, to get me to realize the many things in life that I was taking for granted. It pulled me out of the self-pity party that I had been having for way too long. It’s good that you learned from this. Sometimes, the best lessons in life are learned in the hard times.

  5. Thank you, thank you! It feels good to know I am not alone in this crazy thing we call life. The more we talk and share the more we see we are really all just walking each other home. I know Ram Dass said it first, but it fits. Love to all.

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